About us

Jacobsen Poblador Law Firm is established by Attorney at Law Bjørn Dilou Jacobsen and Attorney at Law Cristina Poblador.

Our office has particular expertise in immigration law, family law and human rights, and provides assistance to both individuals and companies. Read more about our areas of expertise here. 

If you need our assistance you can book an initial meeting for up to 1 hour for DKK 1,000 + VAT, in total DKK 1,250 by sending an email to info@jplaw.dk.

Bjørn Dilou Jacobsen

Partner/Attorney at Law

Bjørn Dilou Jacobsen is a lawyer with extensive experience in immigration law, particularly in relation to asylum, family reunification as well as work and residence permits. He also has experience in family law, particularly in relation to custody, visitation rights and residence cases.

Cristina Poblador

Partner/Attorney at Law

Cristina Poblador is a litigation lawyer who provides legal services in immigration, asylum and social law, with a particular focus on administrative coercive measures. She holds an LLM in international law and has taught international law and human rights law at Copenhagen University for several years.

Monika Czuper-Szkudlarek

Assistant Attorney

+45 50 69 16 85


Immigration Law

Our office has extensive experience with cases relating to immigration law, including cases relating to residence permits, family reunification, asylum etc.

Family Law

We provide assistance in all family law matters. We have particular expertise in matters where one or both parties are foreign nationals.

EU- and Human Rights

When we provide assistance, we pay particular attention to human rights. In both domestic and international complaints, we therefore often make use of international conventions. We also focus on EU law, particularly in residence matters, and have extensive experience in dealing with cases involving EU law.

EU residence permits

Vi bistår endvidere med opnåelse af EU-opholdstilladelser ved Statsforvaltningen, herunder komplicerede sager om fri bevægelighed, og sager om afledte rettigheder for familiemedlemmer til arbejdstagere, der er danske statsborgere.

Employers & Employees

We have many companies as clients and extensive experience in providing advice to employers who wish to employ foreign labour in Denmark. It is important both for you as a company and for your employees that the right solution is used. We advise on all relevant options and find the right approach in co-operation with you.

Social law

We provide assistance in all social law cases and have special expertise in cases of forced removal of children. We provide assistance to both children and adults throughout the entire process and represent the family's interests, as an appointed lawyer, in the meeting with the municipality.

Criminal Law

We assist you at all stages of your criminal proceedings and can represent your interests as your appointed defence counsel.

Other Fields

We also provide advice in all areas of business and private law. We assist public authorities, businesses, associations and private individuals.


Our hourly rate is agreed individually, but is normally charged with 2.500 kr. per hour (excl. VAT) for private individuals and 2.750 pr. hour (excl. VAT) for companies. We are currently offering initial meeting for up to 1 hour for DKK 1,000 + VAT, in total DKK 1,250. Send an email to info@jplaw.dk to book a meeting with one of our lawyers.

The calculation of fees in individual cases is based on the time spent, the specialist expertise used and the complexity of the case. The normal hourly rate applies to assistance to private individuals in cases concerning family reunification, asylum law, criminal law and family law.

In many cases, it is possible to have a lawyer appointed, after which our fees are set by the court according to the applicable tariffs (read more about the possibility of having a lawyer appointed here). The hourly fee in these cases is currently 1.965 kr. pr. time (2.456,25 kr. inkl. moms).

In most cases where an attorney has been appointed for you, you will not be charged legal fees. However, this does not apply to criminal cases if you are found guilty.

Please note that we do not offer assistance for a fixed fee. The reason is that the time spent on cases varies greatly. We therefore consider it most reasonable that you, as our client, should pay only for the time we actually spend on your case.

Note that our hourly fee for business clients and for private clients in other areas of law, other areas of immigration law than family reunification and related to obtaining work permits is agreed upon on an individual basis.

Our fee depends on how much time is spent on the specific case. This can vary greatly depending on the nature of the case and the specific circumstances. Here is our general experience in cases regarding immigration law:

  • Application for family reunification with your spouse: 6-8 hours
  • Application for permanent residence permit: 6-10 hours
  • Application for residence and work permit: 4-6 hours
  • Appeals against refusals in the above-mentioned cases: 4-10 hours
  • Extension of residence permit: 4-6 hours
  • Complaint against withdrawal of residence permit: 6-10 hours

We often assist in applying for legal aid cover from insurance companies or for free legal aid from the Department of Civil Affairs and the Legal Aid Board. If coverage is obtained for the case, you generally do not have to worry about the costs of the proceedings. Most people in Denmark have legal expenses insurance through their family insurance. If you have family insurance, we can apply for legal aid cover for your case. This means that your insurance company will pay for most of the costs.

If you do not have family insurance, we can help you apply for legal aid from the Department of Civil Affairs. You can obtain legal aid if your annual income is less than DKK 336,000 (in 2018) or if your case is a matter of principle.

Please note that these options only apply if your case is to be brought before the courts. You can therefore not get legal aid or a free trial in an appeal before the Immigration Appeals Board.

In some cases, you have the right to a public lawyer. In these cases, the starting point is that the state covers all the costs of the case. This is the case in most criminal cases. If you are then acquitted, the state pays all the costs. However, if you are found guilty, you will be ordered to pay the costs.

In all asylum cases, you are entitled to have a lawyer appointed to you for the handling of the case before the Refugee Appeals Board. The state will cover all costs no matter whether you are granted asylum or not.

In certain cases related to immigration law, it is also possible to have a lawyer appointed.

It is also possible to have a lawyer appointed to review certain family law cases before the courts, such as divorce and custody cases, if your annual income is below the minimum threshold of DKK 336,000 (in 2018) as well as cases regarding administrative coercive measures.

Contact us to hear more about your options.


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